Baseball Equipment Storage
So you’ve invested a fair amount of time and money in choosing and purchasing your baseball equipment, but now it’s nearing the end of the season. How do you store your sporting equipment when it’s not in use so when you go to use it next season it’s still in great shape and easily usable?

Caring for your baseball equipment in the off-season can actually make an impact on how it performs when you need it. Don’t reverse any care and customizing you’ve done for your baseball equipment by discarding them without thought during winter months.

Baseball Bats

Most baseball bats have weather restrictions in order to maintain their integrity. Using a baseball bat in weather cooler than 60 degrees Fahrenheit can end up being very harmful to a bat. The lower temperatures cause the density of a bat to change, thereby causing the bat’s make-up to become more brittle and more prone to cracks and dents. Lower temperatures can also cause baseballs and softballs to become harder, which could also cause more damage to a baseball bat. So be mindful of when you’re using your baseball bat in the off-season or if the weather’s getting too chilly at the end of the regular season.

Storing your bat correctly can also help it last longer. Do not throw your baseball bat in the garage during the winter; keeping it away from extremely hot or extremely cold temperatures is imperative. Also be sure to cover your bats with a bat sleeve if you have more than one, as to not have them clash against each other.

Make sure to keep the barrel of your bat smooth by wiping it down to keep the dirt off it. Try to avoid dents occurring by rotating the bat after each hit. And when it’s not in use, store the bat vertically with the barrel facing down.


Baseball Gloves

Baseball gloves can be a surprisingly personal piece of sporting equipment. Gloves can maintain their longevity if cared for properly, however they do require some upkeep to stay in tip-top shape. Storing your glove between games and practices on a shelf at room temperature or in a cool, dark place is essential. Do not every store your glove outside, in your equipment bag, or near a heater.

Keeping your glove dry is also of utmost importance. If your glove happens to get wet, make sure to dry it off with an absorbent, clean rag and then let it air dry. Before storing your glove at the end of the season, do a quick once-over for any necessary repairs. Doing them at the end of the season is much easier than at the beginning of next season, and may decrease the need for further repairs later on.

Oiling your glove is something you could consider doing before storing it for the season, as well. Leather glove oil is available specifically for baseball gloves, however petroleum jelly will also work. Be sure to let the glove fully dry before tightening the laces and putting it in storage after oiling it.



This is a surprisingly simple piece of equipment to take care of. Because balls are difficult to keep in one place due to their shape, the simple suggestion for winter maintenance is to simply store them in some sort of bucket so they don’t roll away and become lost.

Maintaining these key pieces of equipment should keep your sports equipment bills to a minimum, and keep your favorite sporting goods working well for seasons to come.

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